LicenseSpring Blog

Helpful guides, tutorials, and opinion pieces related to Software Licensing
Kyle BrandonCustomer Experience Leader - LicenseSpring Software
Kyle Brandon is a Customer Experience Leader at LicenseSpring Software, based out of Vancouver, Canada. With over a year experience, Kyle helps current and prospective customers with ensuring successful implementation of all LicenseSpring has to offer. Specializing in Computing Science, Kyle uses that experience to assist with troubleshooting user-reported bugs and providing helpful guides.
20 Minutes
Protecting Java Applications Using LicenseSpring

Discover LicenseSpring's comprehensive guide on protecting Java applications. Learn strategies and best practices for enhancing the security of your Java software.

10 Minutes
Efficient Software Distribution: Maximizing Reach and Delivery

Explore software distribution: parties involved, optimizing delivery, copy protection, and security. Learn how to benefit developers and end-users.

10 Minutes
One-Time Password (OTP)

Boost security with One-Time Passwords (OTP) - phishing-resistant, multi-factor authentication for safer transactions. Discover OTP Service Providers.

by Kyle Brandon
July 17, 2023
10 Min
Computer IDs: The Complete Guide

Discover a complete guide about computer IDs on LicenseSpring's blog. Understand how computer IDs are used in software licensing and tracking.

by Kyle Brandon
April 10, 2023
The Definitive Guide to Software Bill of Materials

Delve into LicenseSpring's comprehensive guide on Software Bill of Materials (SBOM). Learn its significance, benefits, and implementation in software development.

by Kyle Brandon
March 28, 2023
10 Min
Federated Identity Management [Complete Guide]

Delve into the world of Federated Identity Management (FIM) with LicenseSpring's detailed guide. Understand its benefits and implementation in modern software systems

by Kyle Brandon
March 22, 2023
15 Min
GraphQL vs REST: Which One to Choose When Building Your API

Explore the distinctions between GraphQL and REST API in LicenseSpring's informative blog glossary. Gain insights into their features and use cases.

by Kyle Brandon
February 22, 2023
10 Min
Identity and Access Management [Complete Guide]

Learn the main concepts around identity and access management, including single sign on, identity providers, RBAC, SAML, OAuth, authentication and authorization.

by Kyle Brandon
February 11, 2023