LicenseSpring Blog

Helpful guides, tutorials, and opinion pieces related to Software Licensing
10 minutes
Project: Licensing a Deployment of the ESP32 Board

Control low-power Systems on a chip (SoC) microcontrollers using LicenseSpring. We created a proof of concept demonistrating how to securely connect to the LicenseSpring service using the ESP32, achieving a software node-lock to this low-powered device

by Teo Terzic
December 7, 2023
Updated: April 8, 2024
10 Minutes
Entitlement Management - Complete Guide

Discover the importance and best practices of software entitlement management in LicenseSpring's comprehensive blog post. Enhance your understanding of entitlements.

by Edmon Moren
January 21, 2023
Updated: July 5, 2023
LicenseSpring Alternatives

Explore alternatives to LicenseSpring for software licensing in LicenseSpring's blog post. Discover other licensing solutions and their features.

by Edmon Moren
August 8, 2022
Updated: July 6, 2023