Cloud-Based Software Licensing
Flexible & customizable software entitlements to fit your organization's use-cases, whether it's licensing software that runs in a secure environment, to VM containers, to sophisticated account-based licensing terms.
- Offline Licensing & proxy server configuration
- Floating License Server + Cloud
- Account-Based Licensing
- Wrappers for apps previously thought un-licensable
Trusted by hundreds of organizations including:
Cloud-Based Software Licensing
Enable and enforce licensing for machines that do not have an active internet connection, for environments with restricted internet access, or limited ability to check the status of a license online.
- Prevent Unlicensed usage of your software
- Protect your software IP
- Enforce your software license agreement with your end-users
- Cloud Based, Cross-Platform
Offline License Management
Enable and enforce licensing for machines that do not have an active internet connection, for environments with restricted internet access, or limited ability to check the status of a license online.
- Offline License Activation & Deactivation
- Fallback to a local license file check when internet is unavailable
- Set a grace period for an online license check
- Support Floating licenses for non-internet enabled customers.
Trusted for our Customer Support and our Security
99.9% Uptime
Guarantee under
our SLA
Email Support,
12 hours average
response time