Every app requires a EULA to permit software download and use, protect copyrights, and impose usage restrictions. LicenseSpring's generator swiftly creates a custom EULA in minutes—no account or credit card required. It's easy, and your EULA will be ready to use immediately.
An End-User License Agreement (EULA) is a legal agreement granting a user a license to use an application or software. It must be consented to before a user buys, installs, or downloads an application or software owned by the service provider.
As a software owner, having a EULA is vital to protect your ownership rights and notify users of their obligations. If an issue arises, a EULA sets out the guidelines of ownership rights and licensee rights; it also includes the dos and don’ts of the licensee.
Generate Now
Answer a series of questions about your company, software, and specific EULA requirements. This helps tailor the EULA to your needs.
Once generated, publish the EULA and integrate it with your software, ensuring it is accessible to users.
Your custom EULA is now ready and in place—you're all set!