Announcing Unity Plugin with C# Interface

Published on: April 20, 2021
LicenseSpring Unity
Table of Contents:

Announcement: C-based API, new Unity Plugin

At LicenseSpring, our goal has always been to make it possible for any publisher to easily add licensing capabilities to software applications which they distribute, regardless of the environment in which it runs on. As such, we are very excited to announce 2 new license APIs!

Unity SDK for LicenseSpring

There hasn’t been any straightforward way to add software licensing to a Unity Project, until now. Indeed, our customers developing a game or other asset using Unity needed to either use our SDK for .NET, or implement our License API, which meant extra development work. If you have a Unity Asset which you would like to add license entitlements to, LicenseSpring now provides a plugin for Unity which gives software Vendors the possibility to perform all License operations available in our other SDKs, such as activating and checking licenses. This will save Unity developers a lot of time implementing an elegant licensing solution. We are proud to announce this initial release. Please contact support with any questions on using it, or comments on how to improve it.

LicenseSpring’s SDK for Unity can be found here.


One of our most requested connectors to the LicenseSpring service has been a C-Interface. From version 7.0.0 onwards, our C++ SDK now includes an interface, so that C-based programs can use LicenseSpring. The header files can be found inside the include folder, as well as the CSample.

Please find the latest version of the C/C++ SDK.

About LicenseSpring:

LicenseSpring was started almost 6 years ago to make available automated, scalable, and affordable software licensing technology to any software vendor. We are cloud-first, so there is no server to set up, and we provide APIs for the most common programming languages to implement license entitlements for your app. Today, we serve over 300 active accounts, and counting.

About LicenseSpring

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Edmon Moren Headshot
Edmon MorenLicenseSpring Co-Founder
Cofounder of PDF Pro Software ltd. and of LicenseSpring Software Inc. I live in Beautiful British Columbia. I want to build the best Software Licensing Company in the world.